Bespoke LVMs

We offer customized LVMs (Large Vision Models) tailored for the commercial creative domain and individual enterprises.

We develop LVMs specialized for specific domains and enterprises, ensuring that the generated outputs are directly applicable in commercial promotion scenarios. These domain-specific LVMs are designed to address highly specific needs in commercial visual production by deepening their domain knowledge through bespoke model and data design.

Bespeaking Your Own LVMs

Customize LVMs for your organization to achieve efficient mass visual production for enhanced marketing promotions.

Industry LVMs

We're developing specialized LVMs for diverse visual needs across industries. For example, our beauty-LVM uses still life photography and CG techniques to create commercial creatives for beauty products. Our texture-LVM generates various textures like firm cream and clear gel in specific shapes and colors.

Enterprise LVMs

We elevate industry LVM architectures to the enterprise level by integrating diverse creative assets from enterprises. This enriches the knowledge base to the brand level by learning brand-specific visual characteristics. As a result, global enterprises can effortlessly achieve mass production for localization.